That's a wrap! Thanks to all the attendees, sponsors and speakers who attended Pivotal Summit 2019 Sydney. The session recordings and slides are now available in the resources tab.
Business Track: The morning discussed how organisations and governments are transforming the way they build and run their most important software applications leveraging a cloud-native platform, developer tools, data insights, and modern methodologies.
Technical Track: The afternoon brought the best cloud-native Java content from our flagship SpringOne Platform 2019 conference directly to you - covering both traditional monolithic and modern, cloud-native Java from the source.
8:15am |
Registration |
9:00am |
WelcomeAnthony Clarke, AVP & Country Manager ANZ, Pivotal
9:05am |
Keynotes: Delivering Better Software, FasterLionel Lim, VP and Managing Director APJ, Pivotal
Matt Chamley, Director of Technology, VMware Yamen Sader, Partner, Deloitte Our keynote speakers will take to the stage to discuss how organisations are transforming the way they build, manage and run their most important applications, enabling them to deliver better software, faster. |
10:05am |
Break |
10:25am |
The ASX Journey Towards Ever-Increasing Quality and VelocityDavid Campbell, General Manager, Engineering and Architecture, ASX
Igor Simunovic, DevOps Manager, Architecture and Engineering, ASX This session will discuss why the ASX is adopting microservices, kubernetes and automation to transform some of their most important applications. |
10:50am |
The Evolution of a PlatformSachin Shridhar, VP Americas Services & CSO APJ, Pivotal
Shaun Norris, Field CIO APJ, Pivotal Jerome Walter, Field CISO APJ, Pivotal This session will discuss Pivotal's platform evolution and provide insights into Pivotal's product roadmap, including the latest version of Pivotal Cloud Foundry. |
11:20am |
Deploy on Friday!Federico Lopez Laborda, Engineering Manager, Pivotal
Many organisations are implementing no-deploy Fridays. Nobody wants to be paged on Sunday morning at 3am for a disruptive issue with software you released on Friday. But is simply stopping to deliver software altogether the solution? Is it really fair to your customers to release that same software on Monday? In this session we’ll discuss the strategies, practices and processes you can leverage within your organisation to empower your software development teams to release quality software faster, meet customer requirements and sometimes even embrace failure. |
11:50am |
To Strangle or Not To Strangle: Tackling the MonolithDavid Julia, Director of Pivotal Labs Sydney, Pivotal
Amjad Sidqi, Associate Director of Pivotal Labs Sydney, Pivotal This session will explore how organisations can tackle legacy applications, evaluating the approaches of rewriting, buying off the shelf, doing nothing, containerising and even strangling. |
12:25pm |
Making All This RealRoz Gregory, Director Customer Success and Transformation, APJ, Pivotal
This session will explore what we've learned in 6 years about the not-so-easy path to software modernisation. |
12:40pm |
Lunch & Registration |
1:30pm |
WelcomeDavid Kari, Head of Platform Architecture ANZ, Pivotal
1:35pm |
Developing Streaming Applications with Kafka and Confluent KSQLBrett Randall, Systems Engineer, Confluent
Amith Nambiar, Senior Platform Architect, Pivotal KSQL is a SQL streaming engine for Apache Kafka, and enables the creation of stream processing applications at scale, written using a familiar SQL interface. In this talk we'll look at how stream processing applications can be built and deployed with minimal application programming, enabling real-time event-processing and handling. |
2:00pm |
Spring Into KubernetesPaul Czarkowski, Principal Technologist, Pivotal
Spring is the premier cloud-native microservice framework for Java. See how the automatic integrations with Kubernetes strips away all of the operations toils of deploying and maintaining production applications. |
2:40pm |
The Reactive RevolutionJosh Long, Spring Developer Advocate, Pivotal
The reactive revolution continues. For as much as we've been talking about reactive programming in Spring for the last few years the journey has only just begun. Join Josh Long, and we'll take our reactive applications further, looking at how to build microservices for cloud platforms like PAS (Cloud Foundry) and PKS (Kubernetes). Some of the things we may cover include: - reactive NoSQL data access - reactive SQL data access with R2DBC - orchestration and reliability patterns like client-side load balancing, circuit breakers, and hedging - messaging and service integration with Apache Kafka or RSocket - API gateways with Spring Cloud Gateway and patterns like rate limiting - API adapters - serverless programming with Spring Cloud Function and project Riff - reactive authentication and authorisation with Spring Security. |
3:20pm |
Break |
3:40pm |
Drinking from the Stream: How to Use Messaging Platforms for Scalability & PerformanceMark Heckler, Spring Developer Advocate, Pivotal
Most mission-critical systems have distributed elements or are entirely distributed, resulting in a number of challenges: performance, scalability, reliability, resilience...the eight fallacies of distributed computing are alive and well! Messaging platforms are often used to solve these problems and increase the "ilities", but they don't come without a few complexities of their own. Come to this session to learn how to leverage open source solutions like Spring Cloud Stream, RabbitMQ, & Apache Kafka to maximise your distributed systems' capabilities while minimising complexity. All examples will be coded *live & in real-time*! |
4:20pm |
Bringing Cloud Databases On-Premises with Greenplum and KubernetesThomas Beaujard, ANZ Head of Data & Analytics, Pivotal
This session will discuss the four factors required to deploy a Massively Parallel Postgres database (on premise or on the cloud) with Greenplum for Kubernetes. Learn how to quickly and reliably deploy and maintain Greenplum clusters for a variety of use cases, including analytical processing with AI tools or high-performance ETL operations. |
4:55pm |
Living on the Edge With Spring Cloud GatewaySpencer Gibb, Spring Cloud Core Co-Lead, Pivotal
Building upon Project Reactor, Spring WebFlux, and Spring Boot 2.0, Spring Cloud Gateway offers Spring Cloud users an impressive set of features and functionality for cloud native applications. In comparison to Zuul from Spring Cloud Netflix, Spring Cloud Gateway provides a much more flexible API for configuring the edge service of your applications. In addition, functionality such as rate limiting and websocket routing are supported out of the box. During this session we will introduce Spring Cloud Gateway and demonstrate its potential impact on your cloud applications. |
5:30pm |
Networking Drinks |
*The agenda is subject to change without notice
Thanks to the exciting line up of speakers who presented at Pivotal Summit 2019 Sydney.




















The available session recordings are now online with more added daily from our regional conferences across Asia Pacific & Japan. Subscribe to Pivotal’s YouTube playlist to be notified when new and public recordings become available. Alternatively, you can also view the available slides.
Session Videos
Presentation Slides
Please find below the available slides:
The Evolution of a Platform
Sachin Shridhar, VP Americas Services & APJ CSO, Pivotal
Shaun Norris, Field CIO APJ, Pivotal
Jerome Walter, Field CISO APJ, Pivotal
Spring Into Kubernetes
Paul Czarkowski, Principal Technologist, Pivotal
Drinking from the Stream: How to Use Messaging Platforms for Scalability & Performance
Mark Heckler, Spring Developer Advocate, Pivotal
Bringing Cloud Databases On-Premises with Greenplum and Kubernetes
Thomas Beaujard, ANZ Head of Data & Analytics, Pivotal
Living on the Edge With Spring Cloud Gateway
Spencer Gibb, Spring Cloud Core Co-Lead, Pivotal