Cloud Native, Agile Metrics, and Turtles

2 October  2018  •  Pivotal Office


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Talk 1: your Cloud Native and Agile metrics, based on current reality.
If you ask people for good DevOps and agile metrics, they tell you “it depends.” Few people want to get pinned down on metrics it seems. Well, they might be right, of course, it does depend. But, you still need a framework for de-it-dependsing yourself: how do you figure which metrics to pay attention to? This talk will go over thinking through that model and suggest a few metrics for IT performance to more product-centric, business focused metrics. All based on what organizations are actually doing. Well, all except for the part where Michael Coté just make things up because they sound good. This is based on Michael Coté's upcoming book on DevOps-y, agile, etc organizational change. In particular, the chapter on metrics.

Talk 2: Teenage Mutant Ninja [Turtles|Ops]
Is it possible to feed an operations team on a single pizza? Sounds like the start of a terrible philosophical question! We will look deeper into how platform teams can focus on delivering new features and services rather than get bogged down with mundane tasks. The need to keep enterprise IT systems up to date with the latest security patches is one of the most important and effective pre-emptive security measures you can take however it should not take all of your time to achieve. Automation is a critical element, but what and how?


18:00  Doors Open! Pizza and Beer
18:15 Michael Cote on Improving your Cloud Native and Agile Metrics
19:00 Rob Edwards on TurtlesOps


Michael Coté
Michael Coté works at Pivotal on the advocate team. He’s been an industry analyst at RedMonk and 451 Research, worked in corporate strategy and M&A at Dell in software and cloud, and was a programmer for a decade before all that. He does several weekly (mostly) tech podcasts, writes a column on Agile & DevOps for The Register, blogs at, and is @cote on Twitter. If you’re interested, see some recordings of past talks.
Rob Edwards
A seasoned infrastructure engineer, operator, architect and general problem solver (or creator depending on how you look at it). After over 15 years of experience working at some of the worlds largest organisations, wearing a multitude of infrastructure hats, he is now on an adventure to develop cloud native applications and adding to his hat stand with developer skills. His work has been as an end customer, providing advice/consultancy and working for leading vendors which has given a broad understanding of how technology solutions real deliver business value. Since joining Pivotal at the start of 2017 he has been helping organisations with their adoption of Pivotal Cloud Foundry. @clijockey


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