Spring Connect São Paulo

June 26th, 2018 • São Paulo, Brazil



The Spring Connect São Paulo brings for the first time the best Spring Advocates to São Paulo. In one full day event, you'll learn about both traditional and modern, Cloud -Native Java from the source. Experience valuable facetime with expert Pivotal speakers in both traditional presentations and informal open space discussions about modern Application Development, DevOps, CI/CD, Cloud and more.


07:30-08:00 Registration
Welcome Breakfast
Opening Remarks
09:10-10:00 Cloud-Native Java with Josh Long 
10:00-10:50 Introducing Spring Cloud Gateway with Spencer Gibb
10:50-11:40 Event Sourcing from Scratch with Apache Kafka and Spring with Jakub Pilimon
11:40-12:30 Spring Tools 4 - Eclipse and Beyond with Kris De Volder
12:30-13:40 Lunch
13:40-14:30 Introduction to Spring Cloud GCP with Casey West
14:30-15:20 Full stack Reactive Java with Project Reactor & Spring Boot 2 with Mark Heckler
15:20-16:10 Serverless Spring with Dave Syer
16:10-16:30 Break
16:30-17:20 Customer Panel: Netshoes, TudoAzul, CI&T with Bruno Simioni
17:20-18:10 Guide to "Reactive" for Spring MVC Developers with Rossen Stoyanchev
18:10-19:00 Elemental DevOps with Andrew Clay Shafer
19:00-20:00 Happy Hour

We look forward to you joining us.

Should you have any questions or would like more information about this event, please email [email protected].



Josh Long
Cloud-Native Java

Josh (@starbuxman) is the Spring Developer Advocate at Pivotal. Josh is a Java Champion, author of 5 books (including O’Reilly’s upcoming Cloud-Native Java: Designing Resilient Systems with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Cloud Foundry) and 3 best-selling video trainings (including Building Microservices with Spring Boot Livelessons with Spring Boot co-founder Phil Webb), and an open-source contributor (Spring Boot, Spring Integration, Spring Cloud, Activiti and Vaadin).


Spencer Gibb
Introducing Spring Cloud Gateway

Spencer Gibb is a software engineer at Pivotal focusing on Spring Cloud. Spencer’s interests include distributed systems, JVM languages, web services frameworks, message-driven architectures, and making software development simpler. He loves to create software to solve a pain point (for example, by creating a tool to automate workstation setup in his free time). Spencer’s industry experience has taken him from early ecommerce platforms to government and nonprofit organizations to business intelligence startups. He has extensive experience in Java and other languages such as Scala and Python. His database experience runs from Oracle and MySQL to Riak and Cassandra. You can find out more on his blog.

Jakub Pilimon
Event Sourcing from Scratch with Apache Kafka and Spring

Jakub is Spring Developer Advocate at Pivotal, blogger, passionate programmer and trainer. He loves to tackle complex enterprises with Domain Driven Design, Test Driven Development and Spring. Being a microservice freak, architecture is his main area of interest too. When he does not program he rides motorbike, skis or grows his beard. Also, here is his DZone MVB awarded blog: pillopl.github.io.


Mark Heckler
Full stack Reactive Java with Project Reactor & Spring Boot 2

Mark Heckler is a Pivotal Principal Technologist & Developer Advocate, conference speaker, published author, & Java Champion focusing upon developing innovative production-ready software at velocity for the Cloud and IoT applications. He has worked with key players in the manufacturing, retail, medical, scientific, telecom, and financial industries and various public sector organizations to develop and deliver critical capabilities on time and on budget. Mark is an open source contributor and author/curator of a developer-focused blog (http://www.thehecklers.org) and an occasionally interesting Twitter account (@MkHeck).


Dave Syer
Serverless Spring

Founder of Spring Cloud, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, lead of Spring Security OAuth, and an active contributor to Spring Integration, Spring Framework, Spring AMQP, Spring Security. Experienced, delivery-focused architect and development manager. Has designed and built successful enterprise software solutions using Spring, and implemented them in major institutions worldwide.

Rossen Stoyanchev
Guia ao Reactive para desenvolvedores Spring MVC

At present, Rossen is a committer on the Spring Framework team with a strong focus on web development including Spring MVC and WebSocket messaging. Previously Rossen consulted and trained Spring teams for several years. He has been involved with Java and web development in various industries and domains since the mid 90s.

Bruno Simioni
Principal Architect at CI&T

As a Principal Architect at CI&T, Bruno Simioni works on technical strategy and agile architecture on digital transformation clients, leveraging its customers' experience. With a strong track record in Brazilian e-commerce platforms, he has helped them to prepare in their roadmaps to cloud-native applications.


Andrew Clay Shafer
Senior Director of Technology at Pivotal 

Andrew Clay Shafer (@littleidea): Andrew, Pivotal Senior Director of Technology,  has been a consumer and contributor to open source for many years. He is always up for an adventure with a broad background contributing to technology and business efforts. As a co-founder at Puppet Labs, followed by working in and around the CloudStack and OpenStack ecosystems, he gained a lot of perspective on building open source businesses and communities. Sometimes he has been known to talk about devops and organizational learning. 


Kris De Volder
Spring Tools Team 

Kris De Volder has been a member of the Spring Tools Team since 2010. In this role his job is to build tools that help developers work more effectively developing and deploying spring-boot application to the cloud. He is one of the most active committers on the Spring Tool Suite (STS) project and has worked on various STS components such as: the Spring Boot Dashboard, the Spring Initializr Wizard, the Spring Boot properties and yaml editors, STS Quicksearch add-on, the Cloudfoundry Manifest editor, the Concourse Pipeline Editor and the Bosh manifest editor.


Casey West
Architect Advocate at Google

Casey West is an Architecture Advocate and Lead of Partner and Ecosystem Advocacy at Google Cloud. His career has spanned information security, application platforms, internet infrastructure, enterprise collaboration, ISPs, and design firms. Thanks to early Open Source contributions every Mac has his name and email address on it.


Thank you!

Thank you for your interest. Registration for this event is closed.

We look forward to you joining us.

Av. Brg. Faria Lima, 3477
Itaim Bibi, São Paulo - SP, 04538-133, Brasil